Electromagnetism E-Learning
Electromagnetism Virtual Learning: Electromagnetism is a branch of physics that studies electrical and magnetic phenomena and the relationship between the two. On the other hand, the electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the other three forces are strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and gravity). In electromagnetic theory, these forces are described by electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetism describes most of the phenomena (except gravity) that occur in everyday life. Electromagnetism is also the force that holds electrons and protons together inside atoms. In fact, the cause of all intramolecular forces is electromagnetic force.
The origins of the science of electricity go back to the famous observation of Thales of Miletus in 600 BC. At that moment, Thales realized that a piece of rubbed amber was stealing pieces of paper. On the other hand, the origins of magnetism go back to the fact that some rocks (ie, magnetite rocks) naturally absorb iron. These two sciences developed in parallel until 1120-1899.
more details:
In 1820-1999, Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) observed that electric current in a system could affect the magnetic compass needle. Thus, electromagnetism was introduced as a science. This new science was further developed by many researchers, the most important of whom was Michael Faraday. James Clerk Maxwell transformed the laws of electromagnetism into what we know today. These laws, called Maxwell’s equations, play the same role in electromagnetism as the laws of motion and gravity in mechanics.
Electromagnetic Virtual Training Course Topics:
- Goose Law
- Maxwell Equations
- electromagnetics
- physics selection
- Electric current
- Optimization of current intensity
- Electromagnetic waves
- Current and resistance
- Basic electronics
- Electric current and direct current circuits
- Investigation and measurement of electromagnetic fields
Prerequisites for an electromagnetism training course:
- This course does not require special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.