General Population PolicyE-Learning
Virtual education General population policies: We are at a very important moment in human history. Our population used to grow at an astonishing rate, but recently it has slowed down. This course provides an overview of recent changes in the human population, describes the demographic transition and its effects on specific countries. Finally, it evaluates the effect of population aging.
“General population policies” in Iran is one of the general policies of the system. Which will be discussed in the Expediency Council. The text of the draft will be presented to the Supreme Leader of Iran and will be communicated after his signature. General population policies are among Iran’s top documents. In fact, the policy of increasing population replaces the policy of population restriction.
more details
General population policies are a competence in the health and safety group that works such as promoting the dynamism, growth, and youth of the population by increasing fertility, creating appropriate facilities for mothers, especially during the reproductive period, and breastfeeding. Promoting and institutionalizing the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle, promoting life expectancy, providing health and healthy nutrition to the population, preventing social harms. Empowerment of the working-age population is done along with culture building and is related to the standard of competence of general health policies.
What you will learn in the General Population Policy course:
- In this course, you will learn about human population trends, population transfer, and the impact of population aging
Virtual Training Course Who’s general population policies are appropriate:
- Prior knowledge is not required This course is intended for anyone interested in human population change
Prerequisites for the e-learning course General population policies:
- This course is taught from the basics and does not require any special prerequisites.