Computer Games Dealer E-Learning
Virtual training of a computer game salesman is one of the most widely used courses. Computer games sales manager has tasks such as: – Analyzing computer games – Preparing the latest and most appropriate games – Communicating with the customer – Store management – Establishing a transparent and constructive relationship with government agencies. This job is related to jobs such as computer repairmen (hardware) and computer programmers.
The impact of children and adolescents on computer games is as high as possible; Because according to research, children learn 20% of what they hear and 40% of what they see.
This amount reaches more than 75% for what they see, hear and work with at the same time. Accordingly, given that children and adolescents in the process of computer games see, hear and are interested in it due to the fun and entertainment nature of the game and are willing to play for hours, strongly from The content of such games is affected.
Benefits of Computer Games Salesman Training Course:
Ability to analyze the computer game market in terms of variety of production, supply and demand
Ability to prepare the latest and most suitable games in the world in terms of quantity and quality
Ability to communicate and attract customers
Ability to describe and explain the types of games and the methods of doing them and finally sell the requested game
List of Virtual Training Course for Computer Games Salesman:
Familiarity with different types of computer games
Educational computer games
Sociology of computer games
Principles of marketing
Strategic marketing management
Sales techniques
Store interior design
Virtual computer game sales course is useful for the following disciplines:
software engineering
Programming Engineering
Prerequisites for the training course of computer games sales manager:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course of the person in charge of selling computer games is taught from the beginning.