Planting In The Open Air E-Learning
Outdoor flower grower virtual training, outdoor flower grower performs tasks such as preparing the ground for planting, planting flowers, growing and maintaining flowers, propagating them, fighting pests and plant diseases. And is associated with occupations such as gardeners, grafting garden trees, pruning, flower seed producer, the seller of pesticides and pesticides, garden nutrition and hygiene worker.
Summary of this course:
Ornamental flowers that are planted outdoors are exposed to sunlight. And the worst time for these flowers is 10 am to 4 pm, and most of these flowers are used from early spring to early autumn (flowering and beauty of plants) except flowers that only to keep the space green External applications. And the most common pests and diseases that these plants struggle with are rust and aphids.
The main factors for the growth and development of ornamental plants:
- Light: light intensity – light duration – light quality.
- Temperature (temperature): thermophilic flowers – temperate flowers – cool air flowers.
- Water: Water quality – Water temperature – Irrigation interval – Water solutes – EC and PH of water.
- Relative air humidity: Talib flowers High relative humidity – Talib flowers Medium air humidity – Talib flowers Low relative humidity – Methods of providing relative air humidity Suitable for ornamental flowers.
- Soil: Soil components – Soil types – Soil disinfection – PH and EC and soil salts – Lime flowers – Lime flowers.
- Nutrition of flowers: Main elements required – Sub-elements required – Methods of feeding ornamental flowers.
- Pests and diseases of ornamental flowers: Important pests of ornamental flowers – Important diseases of ornamental flowers – Ways to prevent and control pests and diseases.
Outdoor flower grower virtual training course topics:
- Seed preparation
- Prepare the soil before planting
- Planting flowers
- Flower maintenance
- Fight important flower pests and diseases
- Flower propagation
Prerequisites for outdoor flower grower training course:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.