Managing The Buy Motivation In Customer E-Learning
Customer Motivation Management Virtual Training: Iran has one of the richest cultures in the world. Especially in terms of social relations, since it is mixed with divine teachings, without exaggeration, the most fruitful social culture belongs to our dear Iran. But what has happened now that it can be said that the worst customer treatment is happening in Iran all over the world ?? As economic actors, at least for the growth and development of our business, we must make a fundamental change in our behavior to satisfy customers. Let us.
more details:
Customer experience is different from customer service. Customer experience is an active approach in which you create ways to identify good customers. And give them a better customer experience. For example, when they are born, give them something for free. They appreciate it and become more loyal as a customer. Customer experience is active while customer support is responsive.
What you will learn in the customer training motivation virtual training course:
- Customer service to create great fans who buy more and recommend your business to their friends
- Create an experience for the customer that will excite the customer to make the customer feel you have a great product
- Earn money from frequent customer visits and more visits
- Turn even angry customers into loyal and long-term customers through amazing services
- Engage your customers in a better way
- Make your customers like you
Who is this course for: - Entrepreneurs and small business owners who need customer support
Prerequisites for purchasing management motivation in the customer:
- Have the motivation to provide excellent customer service and create a great customer experience