Civil Rights E-Learning
Virtual civil law education is the most important branch of private law. Which examines and regulates the relations of people in society with each other, regardless of their title and social status. Civil law is called civil law in English and Droit civil in French. Derived from the Latin word jus civile. Which is the Roman Empire referred to the rights governing the relations of the citizens of Roman society. And applied to human rights, which governed the general rules governing the relations of the subjects of the Roman government with each other and with citizens. In the Middle Ages, civil law was used in European schools and universities to mean Roman law as opposed to Christian law.
Gradually, with the importance of rediscovering public law, especially after the French Revolution (1789), the term came to mean private law (the relationship of individuals to one another). And was used in opposition to public rights (individuals’ relations with the government). French civil law expired in 1804. In 1807 it was officially renamed the “Napoleonic Code”. This law is the basis of civil law in countries that follow today’s written law. And most of the world’s civil law is governed by the “Napoleonic Code”. Gradually, with the changes that took place in people’s lives, the public interest demanded that special rules be set for some social relations. And so the various branches of private law were all originally part of civil law, but have now branched out from it. Civil law in the general sense includes all disciplines of private law (domestic and international).
And in a specific sense includes the following topics:
A) Persons (name, residence, personal status, qualifications, status, guardianship)
B) Family (marriage, divorce, kinship, alimony, custody, guardianship)
C) Property and assets (property, methods of acquisition, contracts and obligations, inheritance, gift, will)
In addition, civil law in a specific sense includes commercial law, maritime and aviation law, labor and insurance laws, and territorial terms.
Civil Law Virtual Training Course Topics:
- Civil Rights Law
- Civil law issues
- Civil rights
Prerequisites for the Civil Law course:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.