Protection Of Documents And Resources In The Football Industry E-Learning
Virtual training for the protection of documents and resources in the football industry has been created for people to become fully acquainted with the protection of documents and resources in the football industry. Information is a vital artery in organizations, advanced institutions, and the scientific community. Access to information and its appropriate and rapid supply is always the focus of organizations in which information plays a pivotal and crucial role. Organizations and institutions must create an appropriate information infrastructure for themselves and move towards organizing information in their organization.
Definition of electronic documents:
Electronic documents are documents that are computer-generated, transmitted, communicated, and maintained. They may be born digital or electronic in their original form (such as scanning paper files).
Definition of document management:
Document management is the preparation, preparation and implementation of the necessary program to facilitate and expedite and obtain the required correspondence and documents from the stage of creation to the elimination of waste paper.
The lexical definition of the document
Document literally means “fulcrum” and anything that can be relied upon.
Document definition
A document is written facts about an organization’s events and transactions that may be reflected in printed forms, cards, papers, paper, or books. Therefore, any citational object such as tape, film, microfilm and as long as they can be cited is considered a document.
Virtual training course on document and resource protection in the football industry:
Basics of concepts and terms of protection of information, documents and resources
Protection, valuation, classification, maintenance, destruction and transfer of documents
Speech protection
Electronic document protection
Apply laws and regulations related to the protection of information, documents and resources
Prerequisites for the protection of documents and resources in the football industry:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course is taught from the beginning.