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  • By Oxford Certificate
  • November 9, 2021
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Map Reading And Routing Of Tours E-Learning

Virtual Map Reading Training and Touring Routing: Tourism is the temporary movement of people out of their place of work and life and the activities they want to do during their stay in that destination. It is also called the facilities that create the conditions to achieve their desires. Tourism was traditionally traditional in the beginning. With the evolution of cultures, economies and knowledge, tourism came to another form called sustainable tourism. And 1- Considering a trip with careful planning 2- Achieving well-studied destinations and 3- Also protecting destinations as a priority in the category of tourism.

Map reading and routing of tourist tours is one of the competencies in the field of tourism. This includes mapping, locating tourist spots with the help of maps, navigating tourist areas, and working with the tools and equipment required in routing and mapping tourist tours. Related to the occupations of nature tourism guide (ecotourism), mountain and rural tourist areas guide, local indigenous guide and competence to navigate natural tourism areas.

Map reading steps:
Check the navigation guide: The first step is to get the map right. The map should be to the north. In most maps, there is usually an orientation that points north, south, east, and west to the bottom right left, or left corner.

Note the scale: The map scale allows you to estimate the ratio of a distance on the map to the ratio of distance to reality. For example, one inch on the map equals one mile on the ground.

Examine the symbols: Symbols and abbreviations in any map can be a good and efficient decoder. All maps show major roads, highways, mountains, cities and other important navigation elements.

Learn to use a compass: A compass points to the magnetic north, not the real north. So when using a compass, travelers need to move a little. After making the necessary shifts, place the compass on the map to adjust the compass arrow to the north direction of the map. Once the compass is fully aligned with the direction of the map, find the path and continue on your way.

When hiking, look at topographic maps: Topographic maps are large and small scale maps used to show the physical properties of the earth’s surface. These maps show the shape and height of each landscape by curved lines. When these lines are far apart, that is, in that place, there is a hill or a mountain

Virtual training course map reading and tourist tour routing:

  • Map reading
  • Locating tourist spots with the help of a map
  • Tourism Routing Areas
  • Use of tools and equipment needed in tourism

Prerequisites for a virtual training course in map reading and tour guidance:

  • This course is taught from the basics and does not require any special prerequisites.

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