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  • By Oxford Certificate
  • November 6, 2021
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Matlab Operator E-Learning

MATLAB is a software environment for numerical computing and a fourth-generation programming language. The term MATLAB means both a digital computing environment and the relevant programming language itself. MATLAB is a combination of the words MATrix and LABoratory. This name implies a program-based matrix approach. Where even single numbers are considered as matrices.

The MATLAB program is a powerful software for students and researchers in the fields of mathematics and engineering. It was first written at the University of New Mexico and Stanford in 1957 to solve the problems of matrix theory, linear algebra, and numerical analysis. And today, hundreds of thousands of academic, academic, industrial, and users in a wide variety of engineering fields such as advanced mathematics, linear algebra, telecommunications, system engineering and are familiar with MATLAB as one of the first computational and technical environments that can solve their problems. be. MATLAB is now an effective system and programming language for many scientific and engineering calculations.

What you will learn in the MATLAB Virtual Computer Training course:

  • Develop a beginner to develop level programming skills with MATLAB. This is the only training course that enables you to learn the structure of intermediate and advanced programming data such as structures, tables, timelines, cells and map container.
  • Create a collection of many MATLAB projects to apply for MATLAB jobs.
  • Use MATLAB programming skills to gain hands-on experience with MATLAB to visualize, analyze, and formulate intermediate and advanced level problems.
  • Experience some real-world problem-solving MATLAB applications.
  • You can use MATLAB for data science and machine learning.
  • Create desktop applications with MATLAB GUI.
  • Force regexes and use them to identify input text patterns.

Prerequisites for MATLAB Computer Training Course:

  • This course does not require special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.

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