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  • By Oxford Certificate
  • November 6, 2021
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Robotic Hardware E-Learning

Virtual training is the basics of robotics-related to computer systems in relation to computer systems of industrial automation. Advanced computer artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since the 1950s. But recent hardware innovations have strengthened the field again. New sensors help cars see more accurately, hear sounds and understand location. Powerful processors can help the computer make complex decisions, schedule results, and learn from mistakes. These facilities are exciting. The concepts are broad.

This course introduces you to some of the key concepts behind AI. Including the difference between “strong” and “weak” AI. You will see how AI has raised questions about what it means to be smart and how much trust we have in machines. Instructor Doug Rose explains various AI approaches, including machine learning and deep learning, and practical applications for new enhanced AI technologies. In addition, learn how to integrate artificial intelligence with other technologies such as big data and avoid some common problems associated with artificial intelligence programming.
Topics include:

Machine learning
AI technical approaches
Artificial intelligence in robotics
Integration of artificial intelligence with big data
Avoid livestock
Disadvantages of Virtual Training in Robotics Basics:
A robot, like any other machine, can break or break down for any reason. At the same time, they are powerful machines that allow us to control certain tasks. Fortunately, the failure of robots is very rare because the robotic system is designed with many security features that can limit their damage.

In this area, too, we have problems with evil humans and the use of robots for evil purposes. Robots can certainly be used in future wars. This can be both good and bad. If humans demonstrate violence by sending machines to war with each other, it may be better than sending humans to war with each other. Robots can be used to defend a country against attacks to reduce casualties.

Robotic benefits:
Usually, a robot can do the things we humans want to do cheaper. In addition, robots can perform dangerous tasks, such as monitoring nuclear power plants or exploring a volcano. Robots can do things more accurately than humans and accelerate advances in medicine and other applied sciences. Robots are especially useful in repetitive and tedious tasks such as making circuit boards, pouring glue on spare parts, and so on.

Who is the Robotic course for:
Robotic Engineering
Prerequisites for Robotic Basics Training Course:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course is taught from the beginning.

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