Microsoft Excel For Business E-Learning
Excel Business Virtual Tutorial is designed to get people fully acquainted with Excel. With the Microsoft Excel For Business suite, you will learn to start your business with the Excel program, and if you are a business of mine, it is recommended that you read this tutorial and start your business with the EXCEL program. Excel Specialized software, Excel consists of spreadsheets whose information is numerically and alphabetically divided, organized, and arranged. In addition to organizing data, Excel is also used to store and process data and draw charts. In fact, Excel is a calculator with high capabilities. For example, if you want to write your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual financial statements, you use Excel.
The chapters of the Excel Virtual Training Course for Business are:
Full understanding of Microsoft Excel.
Knowledge of all basic Excel formulas.
Gain skills in Excel data tools such as sorting, filtering, data validation, and data entry.
The most popular Excel master search functions such as Vlookup, Hlookup, Index, and Match.
Use the full potential of Excel by creating pivot tables with cutters.
Give great presentations using the Conditional and Table formatting options.
Enchant viewers with bar charts, scatter charts, histogram charts, waterfall charts, and more.
Increase your efficiency by learning how to create and use important Excel shortcuts.
Gain the necessary skills in using advanced analysis techniques in Excel such as regression, goal search, and solving.
Learn automation techniques using macros.
Discover the fun and exciting uses of Excel in our bonus videos.
Who is this course for:
Professionals travel their information.
Everyone is curious to excel in a short period of time from beginner to advanced.
Students are about to join their first corporate job.
Excel course prerequisites for business:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course is taught from the beginning.