Web Designer & Developer Engineer E-Learning
Virtual Training Engineer, Designer, and General Web Developer: Voting to produce a website is used by various experts, one of whom is a web designer. The web designer is more concerned with designing and programming the appearance layer of the site. And other developers are producing software code to generate, control, and process content that is displayed in various sections of the website.
The web designer must visualize the appearance of the site in his mind and understand how the website will work. A web designer does not necessarily need to have a relevant degree, although most designers have experience in other types of design or have been trained in web design. As a web designer, you can work on a variety of sites from educational and advertising sites to online stores.
The activities of a web developer are very similar to a web designer but also different from him. Unlike a web designer, a web developer is more focused on correct coding and does not focus too much on visual beauty. He pays more attention to the details of the site and deals more with coding programs. If the two work together or an individual has both capabilities, a beautiful and principled site design will be provided that is rated both visually and in terms of code and principles.
What you will learn in the virtual training course for general web design engineers and developers:
- 23+ Create a custom web design and development project by hand
- Learn more than 18 professional disciplines
- Start, design and code your website project from scratch!
- Planning, designing and coding fully custom websites and programs
- Explore modern web design tools
- Encode with sufficient HTML and CSS
- Encode websites and applications with HTML5 and CSS3
- Encode basic games and animations with CSS3 and jQuery
- Easily use Adobe Photoshop to manipulate photos, create and design graphics
- Use modern tools like Figma, Adobe XD and Photoshop to design and build web prototypes
- Design a professional and modern business card in Adobe Photoshop
- Teach beginners UX and UI design
Other titles
- Teach beginners the basics of visual design
- Learn how to wireframe and optimize UX for websites and web applications
- Learn how to choose the right font combination for your projects
- Create beautiful color schemes based on the scientific theory of color
- Encode a simple “Tip Calculator” in Javascript
- Create a useful “To Do List” web application in the jQuery user interface
- Easily set web host and domain names
- Schedule simple PHP applications
- Design, build and manage custom database-based websites with MySQL
- Create a fully functional “client address book” with PHP and MySQL
- Launch a WordPress blog in 5 minutes
- Manage your client’s WordPress websites
- Learn how to get hired as a full-time web designer or web developer
- Learn how to start a freelance, independent and profitable job as a web designer or developer
- Learn how to earn full-time income from any field you learn!
- Start a side push as a web designer or developer
- Learn how to convince your first (or next) customer to design a web
Who is a suitable web design engineer and general developer training course?
- Web developers and programmers are looking to dramatically improve their design skills
- Graphic and web designers who want to improve their web programming and development skills
- All beginners who want to learn how to plan, design and code amazing websites and apps
- People who want to have a comfortable life online as a designer or developer
- Freelancers who want to offer higher value to their web design customers
- Designers and developers who want to know how to start a successful free trade
- Anyone who likes a little fun
Prerequisites for this course:
- Previous knowledge in the field of web design or coding
- Any operating system: Mac, PC, Linux
- Expensive software required