General Organization Policies E-Learning
Virtual education General policies of the organization: General health policies are competencies in the field of health and safety that include the prevention of hazards and contaminants threatening health, promoting community health indicators, the use of traditional and Islamic medicine in community health programs, Monitoring and evaluating the rights of people and patients, includes strategies for the proper production of pharmaceutical products and equipment required by the country.
Given different perspectives on health and the breadth of health dimensions and their determinants, measuring and evaluating health will not be an easy task. Therefore, different indicators are used to assess health, and there is no general agreement on which of them is more important, but it should be noted that those indicators of health that are objective, sensitive, and specific are more suitable for assessing health. Are. For example, morbidity, mortality, fertility, as well as various economic and cultural indicators.
Iranian medicine grew after Islam based on the attitude towards human existence. Because Iranian scholars began their education in seminaries by teaching mere grammar, the Qur’an, hadith, and other religious sciences, they became jurists in the field of religion before any other specialization, and then studied other sciences in the same religious schools. Therefore, all the physicians of the engineers of that time such as Zakaria Razi, Ali Ibn Rabn Tabari, Akhwini Bukhari, Ali Ibn Ammar Mosul, Ibn Sina, Ibn Abi Sadegh Neyshabouri, Seyyed Ismail Jorjani until the time of Sheikh Baha’i Momen Tonekaboni; The jurists were also the wise philosophers of their time, and except for Christian or neo-Muslim physicians, no difference in their worldviews could be found between their sciences.
What you will learn in the virtual training course of the general policies of the organization:
- Learn about best practices for effective board meetings. Social media and investment policies are clearly explained. This course comes with an information manager who needs policy-making to determine effectively in their organizations.
- Create and implement your own policies in the organization and non-profit.
- Have more effective meetings and be able to evaluate the impact of the board and their policies.
Who’s general organization policy policies are appropriate: - This course is for managers of an organization or non-profit.
- This course is also for board members in an organization or nonprofit.
Prerequisites for the training course: General policies of the organization:
- All content is included and no prior knowledge is required to complete the course.
- You must have a program that can open PowerPoint presentations.
- You must have a program installed on your computer that can open PDF files.