TOLIMO Exam Prepration E-Learning
The Test of Language by the Iranian Measurement Organizations is an English language test. Which is held in Iran by the country’s education evaluation organization. In the TOLIMO test session, two booklets are provided to the participants, one of which includes descriptive questions and the other includes test questions. There is a question in the test booklet that you will have 30 minutes to answer. The answer to this part of the test must be written in a notebook and you will not be given a separate answer.
more details
This test includes 140 four-choice questions and one question in the written section (30 minutes answer time), structure and linguistic writing (40 questions and 30 minutes answer time). Reading and comprehension (50 questions and answering time 55 minutes) and comprehension orally (50 questions and answering time 35 minutes). The score of each part of the test is calculated on a regular scale and ten times the average of these scores is considered as the total score. The total score ranges from 310 to 677. A score above 600 is considered excellent, between 520 and 599 is good, between 480 and 519 is average and less than 479 is considered poor. It should be noted that the writing section has a separate score and its score is between 1 and 6. Which is included next to the total score in the report card and has no age range.
Registration for TOLIMO exam in Iran:
To register for the TOLIMO exam, you can refer to the website of the country’s education evaluation organization.
TOLIMO exam preparation course topics:
- What is the Tolimo test?
Longman complete course for TOEFL test +
Longman TOEFL test audio files +
TOEFL preparation kit +
TOEFL preparation kit audio file +
504 +
TOEFL vocab 600 words +
Vocab 5000 academic words +
The purpose of the TOLIMO exam virtual training course:
The TOLIMO exam preparation course provides you with the study resources needed for this exam and will test your ability to take the TOLIMO exam by holding a virtual exam.
This course has 599 minutes of Latin audio file.
Prerequisites for Tolimo Exam Preparation Course:
- Book words 504 words
- TOEFL Essential Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary of 1100 words of Barons
- Vocabulary of 5000 academic words book