Guidelines For Realizing Financial And Economic Benefits E-Learning ISO 10014
Virtual training on the topics of effective management and financial and economic realization of ISO 10014: ISO10014 standard as quality management – a guide to achieving financial and economic benefits by the technical committee ISO / TS176, under the title of quality management and quality assurance, SC3 technical committee called support technologies. The audience of the international standard ISO10014 Management at the highest levels. ISO 10014 provides the guiding principles for achieving financial and economic benefits through the effective application of the eight quality management principles of ISO9001. From now on, these principles will be called the standard series in this collection under the title of management principles.
The purpose of the standard is to provide information to senior managers to facilitate the effective use of management principles and the selection of methods as well as tools for the sustainable success of an organization. A self-assessment also includes gap analysis and prioritization tools. International standard based on the principles of coherent and interrelated management has been developed to develop processes that facilitate the achievement of organizational goals.
The ISO10014 standard provides guidance on achieving financial and economic benefits through ISO 9001: 2008 quality management systems. It can be a very useful resource for senior executives to study and persuade quality professionals. Accepting the principles of quality management is a strategic decision of senior management. Acceptance of these principles outlines the relationship between effective management and the realization of financial and economic benefits.
Virtual training course topics on effective management and financial and economic realization of ISO 10014:
- By providing standard checklists, show the level of fulfillment of each of the eight principles of quality management to the senior management of the organization.
- Ensuring the executive and financial success of the organization’s activities
Benefits of the course on effective management and financial and economic realization of ISO 10014:
- Increase the profitability of the organization
- Increase the revenue of the organization
- Improve the budgeting process
- Reducing the costs of the organization
- Improve financial flow
- Improve the return on investment in the organization
- Create a competitive advantage for the organization
- Improve decision making in the organization
- Increase the organization’s accountability process
- Improve the thinking process
- Create efficient processes
- Supply chain system development
- Reduce service delivery time in the market
- Improve performance in the organization
Prerequisites for this course:
- This course does not require special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.