Specialized English Language Meeting E-Learning
Virtual English language training specialized in holding meetings, this course is designed based on the main skills required in today’s world of work and competition and can be used by all managers, businessmen, professors, and activists in various fields. Learning skills such as socializing with colleagues, lecturing, negotiating, telling ideas, etc. is known today as an integral part of the world of work and business.
Summary of this course:
Your career success does not largely depend on your ability to think and speak clearly.
Do people pay attention when you talk? Do they understand what you are saying? Can you present yourself and your ideas in a way that motivates people with what you say? You have great potential. But if you are not able to organize your thoughts clearly, people will not recognize them and then present those thoughts in a way that virtually everyone can understand.
What you will learn in the specialized English language virtual training course:
- Organize your thoughts easier and faster.
- Think more clearly.
- Speak more accurately and clearly.
- Maintain eye contact when speaking.
- When you deliver, you nod in agreement.
- Accept your ideas more safely.
Who is this course for:
- People who have difficulty organizing their thoughts.
- People who become dull or white in their minds during intense stress.
- People do not seem to be able to find the words to express their thoughts.
- People who can find words, but do not seem to get them out.
- People who want to experience freedom and the power of clear thinking and speech.
Prerequisites for specialized English language training course:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.