Applying Anatomy In The Football Industry E-Learning
Virtual training in the use of anatomy in the football industry _ I, has been created to fully acquaint people with the use of anatomy in the football industry. Anatomy is a branch of biology and medicine. The history of anatomy dates back to 2,000 years ago and ancient Greece. Anatomy can be divided into three broad areas: human anatomy, zootomy or animal anatomy, and phytotomy, which is the anatomy of a plant.
The study of the structure of the human body is called human anatomy. Understanding anatomy is the key to gaining health and medical experience. The word “anatomy” is derived from the Greek word “anna” meaning “high” and “tom” meaning “cut”. In the past, anatomy was examined by incision or autopsy, but today, with the help of imaging technology, the structure of the body can be seen without an autopsy. There are two ways to view anatomy: macroscopic anatomy and microscopic anatomy.
Muscle function involved and important in football:
Large serine muscle:
The large serine is the strongest and largest muscle in the body.
- The large serine muscle has three important roles.
- Open and rotate the outer thigh
- Stabilization of the pelvis and spine
- Knee stability with the help of hamstring Hamstring:
The hamstring muscle group is the muscle located in the back of the femur. This group of muscles consists of three muscles: the seminiferous, the semicircular, and the biceps. The hamstrings and hamstrings (internal hamstring muscles) cause internal rotation of the knee joint, while the biceps (external hamstring muscles) cause external rotation of the knee. The hamstring muscle has three important roles.
- Bending the knee
- Open the thigh
- Knee stability
Thigh proximal muscles:
The muscles that approach the hip joint include the shoulder, inner right, short approach, long approach, and large approach. The main function of this muscle group is to bring the thighs closer. In addition to creating movement, they also stabilize the thighs and lower limbs during turbulence at three motor levels during closed chain movements.
Virtual training course topics for using anatomy in the football industry _ I:
Diagnosis of human body anatomy
Examination of the skeleton of the human body
Examination of the joints in the human body
Study and familiarity with the muscles of the human body
Prerequisites for applying anatomy in the football industry _ I:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course is taught from the beginning.