Food And Beverage Manager E-Learning
Virtual training of hotel food and beverage manager has been created for people to be fully acquainted with the duties of hotel food and beverage manager. In the job training standard of the hotel food and beverage manager, management and guidance of the food and beverage department along with planning, supervision, budgeting and cost control, menu design and preparation process, production and presentation of food in the hotel kitchen and restaurant as well as holding management Special ceremonies and parties and the use of various equipment and means of preparing and presenting food are taught.
Food and beverage management can apply the best quality of management to the group under its supervision and have the highest level of productivity of employees in the hotel food and beverage department, provided that they equip themselves with some important management weapons that are required to manage this department. Slowly Recognizing the important role of the Food and Beverage Manager in the success of the hotel, in explaining these important management weapons, it should be said that due to the variety of food, beverages and accommodation services provided by the hotel and in order to provide appropriate services to customers, it is necessary. All hotel affairs should be divided into specific sections. The larger the hotel and the more facilities it offers, the more specialized the departments will be. In this regard, food and beverage management covers a large part of the hotel, which must provide decent services worthy of the hotel to guests.
Hotel Food and Beverage Manager Virtual Training Course Topics:
Organize and analyze the hotel organization
Organizing and analyzing the food and beverage department of the hotel and its subdivisions
Communicate effectively with hotel guests and customers
Food and beverage management
Control and supervision of the food and beverage sector
Control of costs in the food and beverage sector (Control Cost)
Provide food to guests and various reception methods
Application of kitchen and restaurant equipment and supplies
Food storage and hygiene
Holding special ceremonies and ceremonies at the hotel
Analysis of different sectors of the tourism industry
Implement the rules and regulations related to hotels
Hotel Food & Beverage Manager Prerequisites:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course is taught from the beginning.