Hotel Room E-Learning
The hotel room virtual training is created for people to be fully acquainted with the hotel room tasks. A hotel roommate is someone who can handle the rules of the job, clean the rooms, dust them off, and report on performance. The cleanliness of the hotel plays a big role in attracting and satisfying the customer, so all parts of the hotel should always be clean and tidy. These points are divided into two parts:
1- Places where the guest is in sight, such as rooms, corridors, lobbies, halls, public places
2- Places that are not in sight of guests, such as warehouses, offices, lockers, kitchens
Sample hotel room duties:
- Familiarity with lunch and prayer time
- Familiarity with how to use the phone for hallways
- Familiarity with the found goods and how to deliver it to the relevant unit
- Identify the rules for taking personal belongings out of the hotel
- Familiarity with social work regulations
- Familiarity with guest guidance to meet current needs
- Familiarity with fiduciary and secrecy
- Familiarity with welfare regulations (illness – retirement – overtime)
Hotel room virtual training course topics:
Ability to enforce administrative rules and regulations
Ability to understand current terms in the hotel and their regulations
Ability to receive floor keys from the home office
Ability to remove the required materials of the rooms from the warehouse
Ability to report to the relevant person about the rooms for cleaning in three modes: evacuation, guest, empty, abnormal situation
Ability to clean the room
Ability to control appliances inside the room
Ability to control the cleanliness of furniture and floors, curtains and water and sewage systems
Ability to clean different parts of the room (bed, bathroom, toilet and toilet) Dusting, changing garbage,
Garbage collection, refrigerators, televisions, radios, headphones, lights, etc.
Ability to clean rooms outside the service (including electrical repairs, bathroom and toilet repairs, floor repairs
Ability to clean VIP rooms
Hotel room course prerequisites:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and the course is taught from the beginning.