Passive Defense E-Learning
Passive Defense Virtual Training: Passive defense is a type of civil defense. It refers to a set of actions that do not require software warfare. By implementing it, financial losses to vital and sensitive military and civilian equipment and facilities and human casualties can be prevented. Or reduce these losses to a minimum. Passive defense means reducing vulnerability in times of crisis, without the use of military action and solely through the use of civilian, technical and managerial activities. Passive defense measures include cover, dispersal, division and relocation, deception, location, announcement, survival, fortifications, camouflage, concealment, deceptive replicas, and secure structures.
In passive defense, all institutions, forces, organizations, industries and even ordinary people can play an effective role. In operational defense, such as anti-aircraft systems and interceptor aircraft, only the armed forces are responsible. Passive defense in distribution networks refers to preventive principles that increase the reliability of the network and reduce the damage in times of crisis. As well as strengthening the foundations, installing spacers and…
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Any unarmed action that reduces the vulnerability of the country’s manpower, buildings, equipment and documents to the enemy’s destructive operations is called passive defense. Simply put, passive defense is a set of measures taken to minimize potential damage in the event of war.
The purpose of implementing passive defense plans is to reduce the vulnerability of manpower and innovations and vital and sensitive equipment of the country. Despite the fact that the enemy’s hostile and destructive attacks and the continuation of activities and infrastructure services and the provision of vital needs and the continuation of the administration of the country in the critical conditions are due to the war.
List of passive defense virtual training courses:
- Passive defense knowledge
- Safety and health
- Basics of document management
- Reinforcement
- Location theories
- Passive defense
- Fire prevention
- Strengthen structures
- Fire alarm and extinguishing
Prerequisites for a passive defense training course:
This course does not require any special prerequisites and is taught from the ground up.