Real Estate Master Of Business Administration E_learning
Real Estate MBA Virtual Education: In today’s rapidly changing world, building a safe haven for people has become one of the concerns of people and governments due to the rapidly growi
Real Estate MBA Virtual Education: In today’s rapidly changing world, building a safe haven for people has become one of the concerns of people and governments due to the rapidly growi
PBA Virtual Training Body Language Negotiation Techniques: Negotiation in today’s definition refers to a dialogue-based process that takes place on a specific topic in order to resolve
DBA Virtual Training Public Relations Management Trend: Public relations can be defined as the management of the relationship between the organization, company or audience. In other words, p
Negotiation and Meeting Management Virtual Training: Much of our relationships in life, whether personal or business, are negotiable. The term negotiation refers to a wide range of activitie
Passive Defense Virtual Training: Passive defense is a type of civil defense. It refers to a set of actions that do not require software warfare. By implementing it, financial losses to vita
Sales Accounting Manager Virtual Training: Sales accounting refers to all accounting operations related to the sale of goods and returns of sales of goods, during which accounting sales and
Deba Virtual Marketing Marketing Management examines the principles and concepts of marketing and marketing methods. It also teaches theories related to international marketing behavior, mar
Virtual insurance management training is designed to familiarize people with insurance management. Insurance is one of the indicators of development in developed countries, because any inves
Virtual education in political science topics: What people know as politics and political issues is very different from politics in the sense of political science. Successful graduates of th
Information Systems Virtual Learning: Information System – Information System is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing and processing data and providing information,