Responsible For Occupational Health E-Learning
Virtual training in charge of occupational health has been created to familiarize people with the definition and duties of the person in charge of occupational health. Complication
Virtual training in charge of occupational health has been created to familiarize people with the definition and duties of the person in charge of occupational health. Complication
Virtual inspection and control of safety and mental health in the workplace have been created to familiarize people with the duties of inspection and mental health. Mental health i
Virtual training in charge of posture evaluation in ergonomics has been created to acquaint people with the tasks responsible for evaluation and familiarity with ergonomics. Respon
Virtual building inspector training is designed to familiarize people with inspection and mental health tasks. Building safety inspector is a job of the health and safety group, wh
Virtual training of the vehicle inspector safety inspector has been created to get acquainted with the duties of the safety inspector. The repair shop is responsible for risk asses
Virtual education in charge of human engineering or ergonomics is designed to familiarize people with the definition of ergonomics. Harmful factors of the work environment, recogni
Virtual fire behavior training is designed to familiarize people with how to behave in fire and fire safety. Fire is one of the oldest disasters that can endanger people’s pr
Virtual training of ventilation operations in buildings and enclosed spaces make people familiar with ventilation and types of ventilation in the building. The task of providing ai
Pakban virtual training is created to acquaint people with the definitions and duties of Pakban. Pak ban is one of the occupations in the field of municipal services and is in the
Virtual training in charge of hospital waste disposal and disposal has been created to familiarize people with hospital waste disposal and disposal. Responsible for the disposal an