General Organization Policies E-Learning
Virtual education General policies of the organization: General health policies are competencies in the field of health and safety that include the prevention of hazards and contaminants thr
Virtual education General policies of the organization: General health policies are competencies in the field of health and safety that include the prevention of hazards and contaminants thr
Virtual education for family health care: Health is a fundamental right of every human being and a social goal, and the fact that the level of health of individuals affects the development o
Virtual training of service and waste manager: The service and waste manager is a person who, in addition to having public supervision skills, can handle – division of labor among work
Virtual training for disaster preparedness and man-made: A review of Iranian earthquakes during the last three decades from 1352 until now shows the occurrence of many earthquakes, 8 of whic
Virtual education General health policies: General health policies are competencies in the field of health and safety. That works such as prevention of hazards and contaminants threatening h
Virtual health education of food: Humans need the energy to do their work and this energy must be obtained from healthy and nutritious food. If food is exposed to contamination and spoilage,
Virtual training for controlling chemical agents in the workplace: Chemicals can cause a wide range of complications and diseases for people, including acute and chronic poisoning and variou
Virtual health and safety education in the workplace: Safety is defined as the protection of human beings and their effectiveness from injuries and the prevention of human injuries. The firs
Virtual tutorial on making glasses: Glasses or binoculars or frames are called frames with glass lenses. Which is placed in front of the human eyes to improve the vision and direction of the
Virtual education of temperament: Temperament is a quality in traditional medicine, which is mentioned in the Khwarezmshahi reserve. It is found in a mixture of four elements in the body and