Chef Of The Hotel Kitchen And Pastries E-Learning
Virtual training for the chef of the hotel kitchen and confectionery has been created for people to be fully acquainted with the duties of the chief of the hotel kitchen and confectionery. ,
Virtual training for the chef of the hotel kitchen and confectionery has been created for people to be fully acquainted with the duties of the chief of the hotel kitchen and confectionery. ,
Virtual Room Host Virtual Training has been created for people to be fully acquainted with the duties of a Roman Service Host. Suitable reception for guests and especially special guests (VI
Virtual training of restaurant host, restaurant host is a job in the hotel industry, which in addition to having high social etiquette when welcoming and chasing them, has complete control o
Virtual training to treat guests in a hotel, behavior in which the character of the guest is preserved and behavioral safety and verbal communication are fully observed. Rituals (formal) are
Virtual Celebration and Ceremony Planner Training is designed to familiarize people with the tasks of celebrating celebrations and ceremonies. A planner of celebrations and ceremonies is a p
Hotel warehouse virtual training refers to a job that orders, maintains, classifies and exports the required goods of the hotel, including raw materials and consumables, property and equipme
The hotel room virtual training is created for people to be fully acquainted with the hotel room tasks. A hotel roommate is someone who can handle the rules of the job, clean the rooms, dust
Virtual training of a 2nd-grade hotel chef, a 2nd-grade hotel chef is a person who, in addition to having the skills of a 3rd-grade chef, can handle the major size – cooking and cannin
Virtual training of a 1st-grade hotel chef, a 1st-grade hotel chef is a person who, in addition to 2nd-grade skills, can handle and distribute food, prepare orders, and… on-the-job trainin
Virtual Learning to Control Depression and Anxiety: Anxiety disorders are a serious medical condition. And includes intense feelings of fear, anxiety, worry, and panic often associated with